Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Playgroup Halloween Party!

Parties, parties, and more parties!!! This is our third Halloween party at our house in the last week. We are having a BLAST! Here are some of the boys in our playgroup striking a pose.
These kids were so pumped about playing games. This was their first choice...Bone Bender (kind of like Twister). They LOVED it! Jacob was the last one standing...YAY!!!!

Then it was onto freeze dance. They really know how to get their groove on!

Toss the penny in the pumpkin is always a hit!

Halloween Bingo and pin the nose on the pumpkin finished up our game time. We're so lucky to have this great group of friends that we've met weekly with for the past 5 years. xoxo

Fall Festival

Brody's preschool had a Fall Festival today. It was soooo much fun! The kids got to go on a hayride, jump in a bounce house, get their face painted, make a popcorn craft, and eat homemade cookies with apple cider. Such fun!

Brody is stylin in Jerry's shades!

Wyatt and his buddy Christopher enjoying the bounce house while the preschoolers were inside reading a book. Woo hoo!

I love my boys so much it hurts!!!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We hosted our annual Halloween Party yesterday and had a blast! Thank you to all who were able to make it!

My sister Susie and her kids were such BIG help! Thanks for everything!

Mama & Papa with Darth Vader and Peter Pan. Kisses & Hugs!

Here's my sister Theresa with my niece Tatum and my nephew Eric. They are Danny and Sandy from the movie Grease. Love it!

Brody and Wyatt with Mimi!

The kids were totally into watching the puppet show that Susie's kids put on. Very funny!

Awww...Indiana Jones with his luau girl! So in love!
Here is Brody (Darth Vader) with his best friend Patrick! They are two peas in a pod!

Here is Brody with our neighbors Eric and Katie. So cute!

Jerry and I thought we'd join in on Brody's Star Wars theme this year for Halloween. I'm Princess Leia and he's Obi Wan Kenobi.
Can you believe how tall my niece Amanda is??!! She's only in 7th grade!!! Groovy outfit!

Here's Natalie at her post. She was keeping track of kids in the bounce house for me. She's got a timer and everything! So Type A personality...just like me!

Halloween prep/Bunco!

Brody and Wyatt worked so hard to make these spooky Halloween cards for their family members. Good job boys!

On Friday night I hosted a Bunco reunion for some teacher friends of mine. We had a BLAST!!!! It was so nice to see them all again! It was very strange not having little ones to keep my eye on. Girls night ROCKS!!!

Here are Jerry and the boys getting the pumpkin ready to be carved. Brody couldn't wait to feel the "slimy guts"! Wy said he was Peter Pan holding the carving knife.

Afterwards we enjoyed eating the pumpkin seeds. YUMMY!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


The boys dress up in their costumes almost every day. Darth Vader and Peter Pan were handed down to them by their cousin Nick. Wy is totally in to Peter Pan, Captain Hook, and Tinkerbell right now. Brody is WAY in to Star Wars!!! The helmet he's wearing was Nick's too. It's so cool! You can push the buttons and hear the heavy breathing noise or some of Darth Vader's commands. Thanks Nick!!!

Any fan of Star Wars has to have a light saber!

Doesn't Wy look cute next to these porch people???

These are the costumes we actually purchased before we were given the hand me downs from Nick. They want to wear these too. Brody is Snake Eyes from GI Joe and Wyatt is Super Why from one of his favorite TV shows. Since we're dressing up for 4 different events they'll get to wear all of their favorite costumes.

Wy can't wait to go trick or treating and get some candy!!! Yummy!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

We took the boys to a local pumpkin patch this past weekend to pick out the "perfect" pumpkin as Brody would say. My mom, dad, sister Theresa, and her two kids Eric and Tatum met us there. We had such a wonderful time painting pumpkins, petting animals at the petting zoo, jumping in the bounce house, playing in a corn, climbing tires/haystacks, riding bikes, pony rides, going through the corn maze, etc.

Look at these two little love birds. Still so in love and a great example for all of us.

Here the boys are swimming in the corn. They made corn angels, buried each other and just had the best time in the corn.

Here's Brody with his dracula pumpkin that he painted. Spooky!


I couldn't resist getting the kids to pose for this picture.

Brody and Tatum had fun climbing to the top of this haystack. Aren't they precious?
Eric loved riding this bike around the track. Go Eric!

Here they are at the entrance to the corn maze. They wanted to go again and again!

Baby Chicks!!!

Holding the baby chicks was their favorite part of the day. They LOVED them! They want a pet soooo bad!

Go Brodes!

Wyatt was climbing these old tractor tires and said he was Peter Pan when he got to the top. Cute!