I can't believe my baby Brody is 6 years old today!!!! He loved having his pick for breakfast, lunch and dinner today. We started off the day by going to a play called Jack and the Beanstalk...so funny! We were so lucky that my mom, dad, Tatum, and Eric were able to join us. Then we were off to Chuck E Cheese. The picture below is of him playing his FAVORITE game! He can pump tokens into this baby like no tomorrow. He wanted enough tickets to get a magic bag (1,000 tickets). He was
soooo excited to try his first magic trick!

We had my family over for dinner tonight. The kids always have so much fun together!
Brody loves anything Indiana Jones right now. So Jerry and I got him the glowing crystal skull and an Indiana Jones whip (like Papa's).

This Indiana Jones Temple of Doom lego set has been on his wish list forever! He was ecstatic to get it tonight from mama/papa, the Ferullo's, and the Robinette's. Brody and Jerry are supposed to start assembling it first thing tomorrow. We're celebrating his birthday with friends tomorrow at Pump it Up! He can't wait to sit in the big blow up king's chair. I'll post some pictures of the party soon. Happy Birthday Brodes!!!!! xoxoxo