Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Christmas Festivities

We haven't slowed down one bit since Christmas!  We had our annual get together with Linda's side of the family at Macayo's, Christmas with Jerry's dad and family, and we went to see a gorgeous light display/ice skating at the Princess Hotel last night!
We LOVE our family!  xo

Christmas with Grandpa Eddie, Debbie, Rose, and Patty!

This was our first year going to see lights at the Princess Hotel in Scottsdale.  We LOVED it!

The boys loved going ice skating!

I LOVED the singing Christmas trees!
The train ride drove us around to see lights!  Beautiful!

The boys had so much fun! THANK YOU Mimi!  :)

Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas 2014!

We're so grateful for the wonderful Christmas we had this year!  We all attended mass at St. Jerome's on Christmas Eve and enjoyed the message of "love".  Our family takes up exactly one entire pew!  Afterwards we headed over to Jerry's mom's house for dinner.  The boys LOVED eating mac and cheese from CPK and playing with their cousin Devin.  They look forward to the white elephant gift exchange every year!

Christmas morning was filled with wonder!  The boys were thrilled that Santa had come and especially liked that my mom and dad were there to share in the excitement.  My mom and dad made a wonderful prime rib dinner for all of us...yummy!  The cousins loved revealing who their "Secret Santa" was and opening gifts from grandma and papa.  We couldn't end the night without playing a mean card game of elimination!  We're so blessed to be a part of this crazy family!  :)
These 7 cousins are amazingly close to one another!  xoxo

The Ferullo Family (Susie 48, Amanda 17, Nick & Nat 14)!

The Laubmeier Family (Jerry 40, Christina 39, Brody 10, and Wyatt 7)!

The Robinette Family (Theresa 47, Eric 19, and Tatum 10)!

We're so grateful to be spending another wonderful Christmas with my mom and dad (Jim 76 and Bonnie 70).  They are both happy and healthy! 

The boys LOVED their white elephant gifts at Mimi's house!

Mimi liked her personalized calendar and mug!

The Larson Family is here visiting from CA (Jerry's sister and family)!

We had to say goodbye to Elfie and Snowflake on Christmas Eve!  The boys picked out a gift for them at their school holiday house.  Snowflake is wearing the pretty ring Wyatt picked out for her on her arm.  Elfie is holding his cool grabber that Brody picked out for him!  We already miss them! 

Reindeer food sprinkled in the front and backyard...check, note written to Santa...check, cookies and milk left for Santa...check, carrots left for the reindeer and Flysbie (cute reindeer by Brody's arm that helps Santa fly his sleigh)...check, boys tucked in for a good nights sleep...check!  Whew!

This was on Christmas morning.  Wyatt had asked Santa for a GINORMOUS panda bear!  WOW!  It is bigger that Wyatt!

Brody asked Santa for a Mip!  He loves it!

I got some new sneakers and Jerry got a speaker for the Can Am!

Brotherly love...awe!

Wyatt loves all of his amazing gifts...especially his ipod!

Brody was so happy to get a laptop!!!
Merry Christmas to all of our family and friends!!!!  xoxo

Baking Day & The Best Christmas Pageant Ever!

Baking day was at my mom and dad's this year since we couldn't host at our house like usual.  We had fun making sugar cookies, chocolate chip cookies, snowballs, turtles, and fudge!  Delish! 
We also got to attend the play "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever"!  Tatum was in the children's version and Theresa was in the adult version!  We loved going to both shows to support of our family actresses!
Making sugar cookies is so much fun!

Amanda helped bake ALL day long!

The boys baked for about 15 minutes and they were done!  Ha ha!


Tatum did a fantastic job playing Darla in the play! :)

Theresa actually had laryngitis during her last performance, so the director Kenny read her lines as she mouthed the words.  It was so funny! 

Eric was so proud of his mom!!!


Saturday, December 20, 2014

Brody's Winter Concert!

We were excited to see Brody play his recorder in the winter concert this year!  He played 2 songs with the rest of 4th grade.  Way to go Brody!  :)
Good luck 4th graders!!!

Go Brody (top row in center)!

We're so proud of you buddy!

Thank you for coming!

Merry Christmas from the Laubmeier's!  xoxo

Wyatt's Holiday Party!

Jerry was able to attend Wyatt's holiday party this year.  Wyatt loved having Jerry there!  He was so excited to show me everything he made after school.  What a fun day!
Yummy...peppermint ice cream!!!  :)

Wyatt with his buddy Daniel!  :)

Pin the nose on Santa!

Making reindeer food!  :)

Awe...look at that Christmas tree hat!  :)

Wyatt with his adorable class!!!  :)

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Thanksgiving Break!

We spent a wonderful week in Van Nuys, California visiting Jerry's sister Tammy and her family over Thanksgiving break.  My brother-in-law John works as an editor on The Voice and was able to get us behind the scenes passes.  We got to go into the studio and watch rehearsals.  The boys even got to see Pharrell from a few feet away!  While his sister Tammy and I got to see a live show (Taylor Swift performed), the boys went with their uncle and Jerry on a behind the scenes tour of the universal lot.  They got to see Jaws, Whoville, where they filmed Spiderman, World War Z, the Walking Dead, etc.  That night the boys wanted to go to iFly.  They took turns skydiving in a HUGE tube!  We also loved our visit to the Wildlife Center!  Jerry's sister scheduled a special encounter for us with many of the animals there.  We especially loved feeding the porcupines and sloth.  Thanksgiving dinner was delicious!  Then we headed to the movies!  We loved spending time with our family at the park.  The boys had so much fun playing football with their cousin.  We can't wait for them to come out and visit next month for Christmas!  We have so much to be thankful for!  We hope you all had an amazing Thanksgiving too!  xoxo 
Are you ready to fly???!!!

I love Wyatt's cheeks!

Go Wy Wy!!!

Going to iFLY again was at the top of Brody's list for this visit. 

Go Devin!

Brody going higher and higher up the tube!

Dinner at Bubba Gump's was delish!

We had an amazing experience at the Wildlife Learning Center. :)

Check out the cool serval cat behind us!

Feeding the porcupines was FUN!

Wyatt wasn't so sure about the porcupines, but he eventually fed one.  I think he thought he'd be poked!

What a beautiful owl!

We loved all of the hands on experiences!

The sloth was my favorite!  Here's Wyatt feeding him potatoes.

Sloths are so unique...we loved watching Lola climb!

Football is on!!!

These guys LOVED playing football together!!!

Playing at the park never gets old!

The boys loving on their Mimi!!!