Last week I had a HUGE surprise from one of my students and his mom!!! They had nominated me for the Channel 5 News Pay it Forward Award. Anyone can nominate someone who they think has made a difference in their community. Mrs. Klarkowski was touched by the way I've handled her son Joey's dyslexia this year. I was honored to receive this award and was completely surprised when the news crew visited my classroom! The link to watch the video is at the very bottom of this post! Thank you for all of the AMAZING comments that people have written to me!! I feel so special and appreciated!!! God bless you all! xoxo :)
This picture was taken out in our garden area when the news anchor interviewed Joey's mom. |
Oh my gosh!!!! |
Thank you Klarkowski Family! HUGS! |
WOW!!!! $500!!! Woo Hoo!
The comment below is written by a friend that I used to teach 4th grade with at Frontier. Thank you Judy! :)
Judy Schinnerer Stefanko ·
Christina Laubmeier teaches 3rd grade at Vistancia Elementary School in Peoria
PEORIA, AZ (CBS5) - Third-grade teacher Christina Laubmeier loves what she does, and it shows.
"I teach for those 'ah-ha' moments, where a kid puts two and two together, and all of a sudden - bam - 'Oh! I get it Mrs. Laubmeier,'" said the school teacher. "I live for those moments."
Joey Klarkowski, who is in Laubmeier's class at Vistancia Elementary School in Peoria, has had several "ah-ha" moments this year. Joey, 9, has dyslexia, and Laubmeier has been able to connect with him to the point that he now loves going to school.
"I try to really look at the child as a whole and what they need, and teach to that need," Laubmeier explained. "Some children need something as simple as a high-five while other children need a pat on the shoulder."
Laubmeier wrote a letter to students last week, telling them not to be stressed about the upcoming AZ Merit tests. She urged them to remember that they are special, no matter their scores.
"Mrs. Laubmeier is just very caring and very dedicated to each and every one of her students, and she shows it every single day," Joey's mom, Julie Klarkowski, said. "It's a real, true learning environment that is warm and safe and loving."
This is what Laubmeier wrote:
My Dearest Students,
Next week you will begin taking your AzMerit tests starting with writing. I know how hard you have worked, but there is something very important you must know: The AzMerit test does not assess all of what makes each of you special and unique. The people who create these tests and score them do not know each of you the way I do, and certainly not the way your families do.
They do not know that some of you speak two languages, or that you love to sing or draw. They have not seen your natural talent for dancing. They do not know that your friends count on you to be there for them, that your laughter can brighten the darkest day, or that your face turns red when you feel shy. They do not know that you participate in sports, wonder about the future, or sometimes you help with your little brother or sister after school. They do not know that you are kind, trustworthy, and thoughtful...and that every day you try to be your best.
The scores you will get from this test will tell you something, but they will not tell you everything. There are many ways of being smart! You are enough! You are the light that brightens my day! So while you are preparing for the test and in the midst of it all, remember that there is no way to "test" all of the amazing and awesome things that make you, YOU!
Mrs. Laubmeier
Klarkowski wanted to show Laubmeier what she means to everyone, so she reached out to CBS 5 to Pay it Forward to her son's teacher.
A CBS 5 crew followed along for the big surprise at Vistancia Elementary School.
"I would like to nominate Mrs. Laubmeier for Pay it Forward because of her hard work and dedication, and caring attitude towards each and every student," Klarkowski said. "So on behalf of myself, students, parents, teachers and CBS 5, we want to Pay it Forward to you with $500."
"I feel truly blessed that my son has Mrs. Laubmeier as his third-grade teacher," Klarkowski said.
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