Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Ferullo's

Amanda with her horse Tuff!

This was the day of Tuff's first Gymkhana Competition.

We were all so excited for Amanda and Tuff!

This is Carol who gives Amanda lessons.

Go Tuff!

Amanda and her friend Lindsey.

Nick crossing over the bridge from cub scouts to boys scouts.

Nick getting his neckerchief as a symbol of "the crossover".

The ceremony was so cool!

It was c-c-cold out!

Nick and Brody love each other so much!

This was Natalie at gymnastics tonight.  She is a natural!

Natalie and her teacher.

You go girl!!!!!

We were so happy to be a part of the Ferullo's activities over the past week.  We're so proud of you all!!!  xoxo

Stations of the Cross

Last night, Brody's religious education class was acting out the stations of the cross.  Brody was a soldier.  All of the kids looked so cute!  He looks forward to "church school" every week.  Jesus loves you Brody!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Spring Break!

Last week for spring break we headed to CA to see Jerry's sister Tammy and family.  After spending some time at their house celebrating Tam's 40th B-Day, we headed to Disneyland.  We spent three days there and then went to San Diego.  Sea World was way less busy and our two days there were so enjoyable.  We spent a day at the beach with our great friends too, but we were so busy hanging out I never got out my camera.  Sometimes we just have to be in the moment and not behind the lens.  We hope you had a fantastic spring break too!

I love this one of the boys with Pluto!!!


Mimi and her boys!

Brody was chosen for the Jedi Training Academy!  He was so excited!  He LOVED fighting Darth Vader! 

The pirate dinner show we went to was AWESOME!  Totally action packed!  The boys were really into it!

Wyatt loved the polar bears at Sea World.  He decided to lay down and take a rest like the polar bears (in the background).

Brody was brave to go into the bear cave and hear the loud growls!

This was the best part of the trip...feeding the dolphins. 

The boys loved getting up close and petting the dolphins.

Cutie pies!

Fun family memories!

The boys had to get their picture by the killer whale slug bug!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Dino Museum!

Did you know that Target sponsors FREE admission to three different museums on the first Sunday of every month?  Well, today we took advantage of the FREE admission and headed to the Natural History Museum in Mesa.  My mom, dad, sister, and her kids joined us.  We all had so much fun!
My boys LOVED hanging out with their cousins!!!
Wy cracked me up...he kept putting this puzzle together over and over again.
Digging for dino bones.
This was Wy Wy's favorite part...getting put in jail with Mama!
Such a wonderful day! xoxo