Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Wyatt's 7th B-Day!

Last weekend we celebrated Wyatt's 7th birthday!!!  He wanted his family party at Great Skate!!!  We all had a fantastic time skating and dancing!  Afterwards, we went to Grandma and Papa's for dinner.  Instead of having a big birthday party with friends this year, he wants to go to the Renaissance Festival with his best friend Connor!  He wants to see the knights "Joust to the Death"!  We'll be looking forward to going in February...I will post pictures of that fun day too!
Cute cousins pic!!!
He barely needed his "skate mate" this time!!!
I can't believe my little boy is 7!!!
Instead of a cake, Wyatt requested my homemade brownies for dessert!  :)
Jerry, Brody, and I got this cute stuffed dog called a Stuffie for Wy.  We hid money in all of the secret pockets.  Wyatt LOVED finding all of the money!!!!
Wyatt asked for money for his birthday!  This boy LOVES money...cha ching!!!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!!!

Wyatt and I celebrated Happy Noon Year's Eve at his friend Waylon's house yesterday!  The kids loved the balloons being released onto them at noon!  They had a toast to the new year with cookies and milk.  So much fun!
Later that night we had my sister Theresa and her kids Eric and Tatum over for dinner and the countdown (Grandma, Papa, and Susie were at a church dance)!  We had fun playing cards, watching movies, and banging pots and pans at midnight!
Balloons were everywhere!!!

Cheers buddy!!!

Happy New Year!

Love the glasses!

Sparklers ROCK!!!

Theresa and Tatum dancing and singing in the street!!!

Eric loved the fireworks!!!

Wyatt didn't make it to midnight!  Nighty night!  We hope you all have an AMAZING 2014!!!!