Saturday, September 29, 2012

Brody's "Best Day Ever"!

Brody said that yesterday was the "Best Day Ever"!!!  He was so excited that he was invited to participate in the 2nd grade "Red Carpet Event".  Students who demonstrated good behavior and study skills were invited to attend.  I happened to be at the school administering hearing screenings when I was able to see Brody strut his stuff down the red carpet (wearing his superstar glasses).  Afterwards they watched a movie called The Lorax.  Each student who received two invitations got to enter their name into a raffle.  Since Brody had two invites his name was entered and he won!!!  He chose his prize...a Hero Factory lego set!!!  WOW!!!

After a short period of down time after school, we headed back up to school for a tailgate party!  Our school heavily supports the Sunrise Mountain High School Football Team.  Our entire school (teachers and students) dress in Sunrise colors on Fridays to support the football team.  PTSO supports this family event and everything is FREE (burgers, hot dogs, chips, drinks, bounce house, etc).  The boys both found their best friends there and had a blast hanging out with them!

Afterwards, we headed to the St. Jerome Fall Festival.  We met up with my entire family for a night of fun!!!  The boys loved the fun house and super slide!  They each begged me to play the game where you throw the ping pong ball in the bowl to win a fish...needless to say we have three goldfish now (Thanks Grandma and Papa).  We were all whooped by the end of the night! :)
As soon as we got home from school Brody put his cool lego set together!

Love the glasses!!!

Here are the three new additions to our family (Snowflake, Goldie, and Black Tip).  :)

Johnny Appleseed Day!

Wyatt's kindergarten class celebrated Johnny Appleseed Day this week.  He had fun making applesauce in class yesterday.  After tasting red, green, and yellow apples, Wyatt said his favorite type was red.  Yummy!

Wyatt and Waylon are best buddies!!!  :)

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Happy 68th Birthday Grandma!

Yesterday we celebrated my mom's 68th B-Day!  We headed over to Grandma and Papa's house to enjoy a family dinner, swimming, and playing card games.  Everyone had fun celebrating Grandma's 68th B-Day!  We're all so blessed to have such an AMAZING role model for us.  All of the grandchildren look up to their Grandma for support, advice, and extra tender loving care.  We love you Grandma!  Thank you for everything you do for ALL of us!!!
Grandma with her 7 sweet grandchildren. Eric 16, Amanda 15, Nick & Natalie 12, Brody & Tatum 8, and Wyatt is 5. :)

Wyatt wanted to make something special for here is the homemade purse he made for her.

This little guy loves his Grandma sooo much!  One of his prayers this week before bedtime was for God to keep Grandma safe.  Awe!

Wy decorated the front of her birthday card.

Brody wrote the inside of the precious.

We ordered Grandma a new cosmetic bag with a picture of the 7 grandchildren on it.  My mom LOVED it!

Wyatt bought Grandma this pretty tiara and two gorgeous rings using his tickets at Chuck E Cheese this week.  He's so thoughtful!

He wanted to wrap each gift by himself.  He put a lot of effort into thinking about what Grandma would like.  He even said he picked out this shirt to wear because it is yellow and that is Grandma's favorite color. :)

Happy 68th B-Day Grandma!  Love the tiara and purse!  You look FABULOUS darling!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Wyatt's Student of the Month Assembly!

Yesterday was the first "Student of the Month" assembly of the school year.  Wyatt was selected by his teacher because of his AWESOME citizenship!  We're so proud of him!!!  These assemblies are so much fun for the kids.  The lights are out, the strobe lights are on, the music is loud, and kids are cheering with pom poms and glow sticks.  Once the students name is called off they run through the teacher tunnel and feel like rock stars!  Wyatt received a Coyote Hills pencil, water bottle, certificate, and FREE kids meal at Macayo's...yummy!  Today he gets to eat pizza with the principal and the rest of the Student of the Month recipients.  WOW!
We're so proud of you Wyatt!!! :)

Wyatt was so lucky that his Grandma, Papa, and Mimi could make it to the assembly too!  We love you buddy!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Kids First Hockey!

We signed the boys up to participate in "Kids First Hockey" for the next four weeks.  Today was their first day!  The Phoenix Coyotes support this program and it's FREE!  Brody and Wyatt both did an AMAZING job! 
Brody was really ready for this challenge!  He's at the perfect age and didn't require much help from the coach. Go Brody!

Wyatt wasn't so sure about ice skating, but he lasted the whole hour!  Go Wy Wy!

Look at these two hockey players!!!

I love this one of Wy's coach pushing him around with his hockey stick!  Wyatt was allowed to use the bucket for balance.

"Honor Our Troops" Triathlon

Today I participated in the City of Peoria "Honor Our Troops" Triathlon!  It was the third tri that I've done now and I loved it!  I finished in 2nd place for my age group and received a medal!  Woo hoo!  I finished all three events in just under an hour.  I loved seeing Jerry and the boys there cheering me on!
There I am in the pink cap :) 200 meter swim

Almost finished...stopped to wave at my boys who were sitting right in front of me.

I loved the biking part! 9 miles

Yay!  I made it! 1.6 mile run

Here are my good friends Lucas and Karen.  Lucas was #77, Karen was #78, and I was #79!  We did it! :) 

Friday, September 7, 2012

E is for Elephant

Oh my goodness!!!  Wyatt had the biggest smile when he got off of the bus today!!!  He said "I love my elephant ears!".  I had to snap a quick pic and post it.  
Cutie pie!

The bigger the ears the better!!! :)

Monday, September 3, 2012


The boys were so excited to help clean our tile floors today.  Brody said "Instead of helping you mop, can we scrub the floor on our hands and knees?".  Of course I took them up on their offer :).  They are so funny!  I will take any help that I can while they are still willing.  I'm sure the day will come when I'll have to bribe them to help around the house.
They are both hard little workers!

Silly boys put the scrubbers on their feet to clean the tile!  Fun!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Zip Line

Brody has pneumonia  (poor guy).  He's getting a little antsy because we've been stuck in the house for a few days.  He's feeling so much better now, but still has to take it easy.  Jerry and the boys had an idea to rig up a zip line in our house.  This was the highlight of Brody's day!  They had fun sending all types of Batman guys, planes, etc. down the zip line.  Fun experiment!
Here's Brody getting ready to launch his plane down the zip line. :)