Friday, December 4, 2009

Woo hoo...a house with 100 blow ups!!!!

Here it boys in their glory with their Mama. Tonight we took my mom to see our favorite house with Christmas lights and close to 100 blow ups. The boys couldn't wait to show her each and every blow up. Thanks for spending the evening with us Mama! xoxo
Here's Wyatt with his favorite blow up. Scooby Rooby Roooooo!!!!

My mom and the boys doing the chicken dance was hillarious to watch. There was a little chicken with a Santa hat that sang the tune. What a night!
Tomorrow we're off to Sedona with Jerry's mom for the weekend! The boys are looking forward to seeing the Red Rock Fantasy of Lights, staying in a hotel, swimming in the heated pool, and taking in the scenery. We can't wait!!! I know one thing...we're going to dress warm. It's been sooooo cold at night. Cold for us anyways (around 40 degrees). We turned on the heat for the first time last night. Brrrrrrr!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. We went to see that house too. The kids loved it! Thanks for letting us know about it.
