Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Preschool Halloween Party!

On Friday Jerry, Wyatt, and I went to Brody's Halloween Party at preschool. It was so much fun! They decorated cupcakes, made a spider in the craft room, played Bingo, and went on two field trips.

Here's Brody with his best friend Patrick. Brody is Snake Eyes and Patrick is Duke from GI Joe. Go Joe!!!

Here's Brody with a "Grandma" at the assisted living center his class visited. Many of the seniors living there have Alzheimer's. Look how happy this sweet lady is to see Brody. The kids made Halloween cards to give them and even included a sucker for them to eat. Precious.

Wy Wy was so funny. He would go right up to the "Grandma's" and "Grandpa's" give them a hug and say "Happy Halloween". This lady held on to him soooo tight. It made me wonder how long it's been since she's squeezed a squishy little one. It seriously made me so happy to be there.

Next, we went to a senior community center to parade the kiddos around in their costumes and deliver more Halloween cards. I loved the way this sweet lady looked at Brody. They were all so happy to see the kids!

1 comment:

  1. That makes me want to cry seeing all the little old people squeezing the kids! So sweet!
