Sunday, June 3, 2012

Camping Trip

Last week we headed up north to Woods Canyon Lake for a camping trip with my mom and dad.  We had the BEST time!  The weather was gorgeous, we were allowed to have a campfire at night, and we caught more than 3 dozen fish!!!  The boys loved fishing, hiking, making smores, riding their bikes, collecting little bugs, playing with worms, seeing an elk/eagle, going for golf cart rides down to the store, and sleeping in our tent at night.  What an AMAZING way to start summer vacation!
These boys love their Grandma and Papa sooo much!!!

Brody caught the first fish of the day!!!  He said, "Wow, fishing is easy!".  He reeled this baby in within the first 5 minutes of us being on the boat.  We kept it and Jerry showed him how to clean it.  The boys want Papa to cook their fish so they can taste trout.

Wyatt loved helping Papa drive the boat.

Brody was in his glory fishing!  I asked him if he'd rather be up in the mountains fishing or by the ocean at the beach...he said it's a tie.  He loves them too!!!

Wyatt was so happy when he caught a fish too!  We couldn't believe how good the fishing was.  We caught more than 3 dozen fish!  It was so exciting!!

Wyatt kept his first fish too!  He can't wait to taste it!

Jerry loved fly fishing!  He taught both of the boys how to fly fish.

I love the serious look on their determined faces in this shot.

Hiking in the meadow was fun for all!  The boys loved using their walking sticks that Jerry bought them.

We love going camping with my mom and dad!  They are so easy going and fun to be around.  They made us breakfast every morning....yummy!

Here's our camping spot.  Mom and dad slept in their truck camper and we slept in our tent.  It was 33 degrees at night, so we were snuggled up with our beanies on, gloves, layers of clothes and blankets.   

The boys caught critters in their jars and then studied them like scientists.  So cute!
We had a picnic in this beautiful spot.  Here's Brody driving his remote control boat. 

Besides troll fishing, we loved bobber and bottom fishing too.  I think everyone caught a fish in this sneaky spot.

Bobber fishing was exciting for the boys.  They got a kick out of seeing the bobber go under the water when they caught a fish.

This is the biggest fish any of us have EVER caught at this lake.  My mom caught this 18 inch trout while bobber fishing with a worm!  We couldn't believe our eyes!!!  Besides the few fish we kept to cook, we gave away the other big ones to a man that donates them to an assisted living home in Phoenix. 

Wyatt begged us to let him take home this little caterpillar named Wormie.  In the end, we decided it was best for Wormie to stay in the woods which is his home.

Isn't the Mogollon Rim beautiful?  I love this family of mine!

Thank you for such a memorable trip Grandma and Papa!  We love you more than you'll ever know!!!

It's our family tradition to stop and eat at the Creekside Restaurant in Christopher Creek on our way back to town.  We love sitting by the window and watching the hummingbirds.  The homemade ranch dressing is awesome too!


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